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Applicant Information* Required Field
Previous Address
Trade Information
Employment Information
Previous Employment
Co-Applicant Information
Same as Applicant
Co-Applicant Previous Address
Co-Applicant Employment Information
Co-Applicant Previous Employment
Our Commitment to Privacy
All information stored in our database is secure and is strictly confidential. Your personal and credit information will only be used to fulfill your request and in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Acknowledgement and Consent
I swear and affirm that the information contained within this document is true and correct. I will immediately provide to Fairfield Automotive Partners, LLC (dba BMW of Fairfield) (herein referred to as "Dealer") and/or any third party lending institution any and all information requested from me and I specifically authorize the Dealer and/or any third party lending institution to make whatever other inquiries regarding me that they consider necessary and appropriate, including, but not limited to, requesting a credit report from any credit reporting agency (hereinafter collectively referred to as "information") in their consideration in determining whether or not to grant me credit and/or for the purposes of any updates, renewals, and/or extensions of credit; reviewing or collecting my account; for offering me other products and services; and/or for any other lawful purpose. I understand and agree that the Dealer and/or any third-party lending institution will rely upon my application and information in deciding, within their sole discretion, whether or not to approve or decline the credit that I have requested. If at any time during my credit application process I change the type of credit that I am requesting, I hereby authorize the Dealer, within their sole discretion, to submit my credit application to any other third-party lending institution who offers the type of credit that I am seeking. I further specifically authorize and consent to the Dealer providing to all third-party lending institutions any and all information that I have provided to the Dealer and/or that the Dealer has obtained which is related to my credit application, including, but not limited to, my credit application and/or any of my credit reports. I understand and agree that various communications between the Dealer and third-party lending institutions and/or from either the Dealer and/or third-party lending institutions to me may be conducted after consideration of my credit application has been completed. I understand and agree that the Dealer and/or third-party lending institutions will retain my credit application and information whether or not the credit I seek is approved. I understand and specifically authorize the Dealer and/or third-party lending institutions to utilize emails, automatic telephone dialing systems, prerecorded /artificial voice messages, and text messages to communicate between themselves and/or with me concerning my credit application. I specifically authorize the Dealer and any third-party lending institution to utilize any email address and/or telephone number (including wireless telephone number) that I have provided to the Dealer as part of my credit application or otherwise. I further agree to be solely responsible for any charges that I may incur with respect to the utilization of wireless telephone and/or any form of communication identified within this Agreement.
I Agree / Submit
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